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Comparisons of iron, plastic pipes and wood

The affordability of polycarbonate and its unique performance properties make it an indispensable component in the construction of closed ground structures. Another component of greenhouses is the frame.

each of these materials has its advantages and disadvantages. But if you ask yourself what a novice gardener will like, the answer will be unambiguous – a wooden greenhouse under polycarbonate with your own hands. Wood is a material with a lot of positive qualities.

Advantages of timber frames

The main advantage of wood is its ease of use. Building a rich people data frame from timber is available to anyone who can hold a hammer, hammer nails and screw in screws. In terms of strength and durability, high-quality and properly processed wood is not inferior to plastic pipes. It is much easier to attach polycarbonate to beams than to arcs. Simple installation, ease of replacement of parts, a relatively low price – all these are the advantages of wooden structures.

Photo: collage © Vosaduli.ru

Less weight compared to iron allows you to use a how to prepare an online store: preparing a website and landing page foundation, and ease of processing will help you independently set the length, width, and height of the greenhouse, which are necessary for growing crops.

Building a durable structure

Wooden structures of a greenhouse are exposed to the destructive effects of sunlight, insects, moisture, fungi, and microorganisms. The durability of the structure depends on the processing methods, type of wood, and its quality. Protective treatment, available to any summer resident, can be:

  • superficial – painting;
  • penetrating – impregnation with antiseptics.

Using a blowtorch, you can perform singapore lead treatment – light annealing.

Photo: collage © Vosaduli.ru

Selecting a wood species

Wood types are divided into soft – easy to hammer a nail into, hard – difficult to process. It is better to use coniferous trees for building frames. You can buy timber at the market.

  • Pine is a strong, soft, light wood. When drying, it hardly warps, and is also easy to process, paint, and impregnate;
  • Spruce is similar in structure to pine, but has a significant number of knots. This makes it difficult to process and impregnate with an antiseptic. The low content of resinous substances allows the paint to dry faster.
  • Larch is a high-density structure, the products are very durable.

Photo: collage © Vosaduli.ru

Drawings of a wooden greenhouse made of polycarbonate

Having the drawings in front of you, it is easy to determine the dimensions, quantity and cost of the required building materials. The project displays the dimensions of the structural elements, the places of fastening. Based on the graphic image, a plan is drawn up for the sequence of works on the construction of a greenhouse (or, scientifically, a protected ground structure). It includes:

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