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Overview of options Using convectors

The convenience of the method is the possibility of saving if, when visiting the bathhouse, it is heat by a traditional stove. Convectors are us in the mode of maintaining the minimum temperature (+5°C) when the structure is idle.

Attention! To prevent the risk of fire, it is necessary to strictly observe safety precautions! The cable must have powerful insulation and be laid only in a non-flammable channel. To supply moj data to electric convectors, a separate circuit breaker must be install in the panel.

Underfloor heating systems

This type of heating is especially important in winter to prevent the likelihood of colds. Warm floors, evenly heating the entire room, increase the comfort of procures. It is usually install in the dressing room and rest room, which are difficult to heat with a sauna stove, traditionally Overview of options Using convectors in the steam room. The floor heating system helps to increase the durability of wooden structures, which, being warm, are less susceptible to mold and fungi.

The installation of a heat floor is not particularly expensive and is relatively simple:

  • A special electrical cable is laid on a mounting it is not necessary to increase rates on all advertised items in the concrete scre under the floor covering, the safety of which is ensur by the use of high-resistance alloys in its production;
  • The system must be equipp with a regulator and controller to enable setting the requir temperature regime and adjusting the operation;
  • The cable can be single- or double-core, protect by a metal screen and a special sheath.

If you do not want to install the system yourself, you can buy ready-made mats with a built-in heating element. In this case, the installation of a concrete scre is not requir.

Important! Electric underfloor heating is not allow singapore lead be install in the steam room and washroom – these are damp rooms where the installation of equipment operating with high voltage is life-threatening!

Electric heater

The equipment is design for heating and at the Overview of options Using convectors time performing a decorative function. Unlike a traditional wood-burning stove, an electric heater does not require fuel preparation, does not produce smoke or soot during operation, takes up a minimum of space, and is much easier to maintain. All modern models have a built-in panel and a control panel, which allows it to be controll even remotely.

Rules for self-installation of an electric heater:

  • A separate grounding circuit is requir;

Important! Using the neutral cable from the transformer is not allow!

  • For a sauna, you should only choose models that have an emergency shutdown function so that in the event of problems such as overheating or a short circuit, the equipment can immiately shut off;
  • Only moisture-resistant and heat-resistant cables may be us

Pros and cons of heating with electricity

Advantages of the method for year-round use of the bathhouse:

  • Environmental friendliness. Unlike wood stoves, which produce significant emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when burning fuel, which can cause harm to visitors if the ventilation system is not working properly, electric heating does not create such a danger.
  • Practicality and convenience. It is possible to maintain the optimal temperature in the premises all year round and control it independently. An autonomous Overview of options Using convectors system protects structures from freezing, rot and fungi, increasing the durability of the building.
  • Easy installation, the ability to do it yourself. No ne to obtain additional permits, draw up a project and pay for the services of professionals, as in the case of installing a gas boiler. No ne to involve an experienc craftsman, as for laying a traditional stove.

When choosing electricity for heating a bathhouse, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of interruptions in its supply and fairly high operating costs.

On one respect resource, in the vastness of the World Wide Web, in the article “Infrar heaters for saunas” a model was describ at length and with expertise, in which, in particular, the following is stat: “the effective heat flow of the emitter is maintain at a distance of 9000 mm from the heat object, which will allow it to work perfectly in the conditions of production shops with high ceilings.” Curtain.

Comrades “experts”, “heat engineers” and other “analysts”, take pity on the unfortunate users. Your wonderful recommendations on using infrar systems will restore them to the state of a grill chicken, guarante, and in a few minutes. This is not right. And now, about something serious.

Is it worth installing an infrar sauna?

Earlier, we already wrote about infrar saunas. About the Overview of options Using convectors of the effect of radiant heat on the body, about spectra and other appli and theoretical physics. In this section, we will briefly and succinctly outline the main positive and negative qualities of this, until recently, exotic type of bath.

According to the establish tradition on our resource, let’s start with the good:

  • The so-call infrar sauna stove is very compact. The entire system has small dimensions, weight and high mobility;
  • In view of the above, to set up a steam room you don’t ne a large room, a labor-intensive foundation, or other “delights” of full-flg construction. Simply put, if you really want a sauna, but you don’t have a dacha or a country house, it won’t be difficult to equip such a bathhouse even in an apartment;
  • The fact that there is no steam as such also speaks in favor of the above fact. This means that you don’t have to worry about the safety of the silk-screen printing on the walls of your apartment or about scandals with your neighbors, who for some reason start to get damp in the wall adjacent to your bathroom;
  • Infrar heating is very economical. Due to the peculiarities of energy transportation, not the entire volume of the room is heat, but the object that is actually being irradiat. Some manufacturers can already boast of units with a nominal power of 1.5 kW. Sorry, my iron at home is more powerful;

But, as we know, there is no oil without whey, and now let’s talk about what’s wrong:

  • For lovers of a broom, hot steam and a cheerful company, this is not an option. However, you can find a cabin with a capacity of 5 people, and you can practice with a broom, but to drive a good and dense “steam pie” to the ceiling by splashing fragrant herbal infusion on the stove, and then take it from there in good “slices” down to the shelf – well, no way;
  • Such a bathhouse lacks the main thing – that true spicy bathhouse spirit, for which true connoisseurs are ready to lose peace, sleep and a bonus. Some compare a traditional bathhouse and an infrar bathhouse with sunflower oil. A steam bathhouse is like real fri oil from a village oil mill, from which you will be full with just the aroma. An infrar bathhouse is like store-bought refin oil in a standard 1-liter package. It seems to be oil, and it seems to be made from sunflower ses, but something is wrong, still wrong.
  • You can buy a cabin lin with beautiful Canadian car, but its infrar emitters for the sauna will not be the best and most durable. And this is, in fact, the heart of this type of bath.

Let’s take a closer look at them.

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