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Why Google now likes “Made for Adsense” pages again

I admit that despite the overwhelming success that Trovit has had since its beginnings, I have always been skeptical about its business model: a project that depends 100% on Adsense revenue. Google is a diva, so what it likes today, it may not see in the same way tomorrow. Trovit at that time was the site that earned the most with Adsense in Spain at that time and it will probably continue to be so. In 2013 the company had a turnover of 17.5 million euros with a profit of 5.9 million euros. Not bad, right?

Google Adsense Photo rights by Fotolia

I was lucky enough to meet one of its founders in person. It was  usa telegram data   my first dinner at the First Tuesday events organized by Carlos Blanco, where one of the founders of Idealista (among others) also attended, and the only thing that was going through my head the whole time was “I haven’t achieved anything yet to have the privilege of having dinner with these entrepreneurs.”

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Given that I was 28 years old at the time and quite shy, I don’t think I said a single word during the whole dinner. Today I would probably still be thinking the same thing, but I would probably be able to talk a little more than I did back then (although don’t think I would have talked much  how to easily develop a shopping   more Before continuing to explain why this type of project is attractive to investors, we must understand what we are talking about. Not everyone works in the field of creating websites, they are webmasters  australi data   or bloggers, so perhaps a brief definition will help to better understand the following explanation.

A Made for Adsense or MfA page is typically associated with a

website with low-quality content that receives relevant visits thanks to SEO work. The number of ads is pushed to the limit

of what is allowed in order to maximize revenue from ad clicks.That is what was traditionally understood by Made for Adsense . Google has always fought against this type of pages because it is interested in users arriving from its

search engine having a positive experience after having used its search engine.

The “new” pages Made for Adsense

I admit that calling a project like Trovit or even Softonic a

Made for Adsense site is a bit bold. The idea is not to belittle what these people have achieved, because that is obviously

something to take one’s hat off to. If we put this fact aside and analyze it coldly, it is clear that, especially in Trovit’s

model, from the beginning the site was optimized for Google Adsense. The income depended 100% on it. Now I don’t know how much that percentage has dropped, but I imagine it will continue to be around 90%.

There is an important importance between these new MfA pages and those. I mentioned in the previous paragraph in the definition. A positive experience is sought with the aim of converting a visitor into a recurring user . This increases profitability and accelerates growth because organic traffic from Google is added to direct visits through brand creation. Recently, portals such as Uncomo.com have received more attention from the SEO community because they have skyrocketed in the rankings.



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