The classic option for heating a steam room for bathing procures is a brick or metal heater. In this case, additional equipment is us to maintain a given air heating temperature both in the steam room and in other rooms.
It is impossible to ensure fast and uniform heating of the dressing room and relaxation room using a sauna stove.
And if in summer this does not cause problems, then in winter such a situation can lead to a decrease in comfort when organizing a bathhouse rest. In this case, all the office 365 data produc will accumulate in the steam room, and the dressing room and other rooms of the bathhouse will remain unheat.
Installation of additional heating equipment will ensure the maintenance of a comfortable temperature necessary for a long stay in the changing room.
Heating with a sauna stove
For small saunas, a traditional sauna stove remains a use marketplace analytics services heating option. In this case, it is enough to purchase or manufacture a heating unit of the requir power.
The calculation of the equipment power is determin by the formula: 1 kW of power per 1 sq. m of the room. To ensure a comfortable stay of visitors in the steam room, a reserve of thermal power from 35 to 55% is additionally taken into account.
The popularity of the heating stove is explain by singapore lead following advantages:
- ease of installation and maintenance;
- ease of use;
- using available fuel.
When choosing a sauna stove, you should not forget about some of the disadvantages of the device:
- impressive dimensions and weight;
- the impossibility of automating the process of heating rooms;
- high fire hazard;
- formation of fuel combustion products.
Modern sauna heaters operate on wood, electricity, liquid and gaseous fuel. The choice of the appropriate option depends on the financial capabilities and technical capabilities of the equipment.
To ensure effective heating of the room, heating of the bathhouse from the stove in the steam room is done as follows: the firebox is plac in the dressing room, the heater in the steam room, and the tank with warm water in the washing area.
Heating with furnaces with heat exchangers
Stoves with heat exchangers are an alternative to conventional heaters, which provide heating of rooms, hot water supply and steam generation.
Heating in a bathhouse from a stove heat exchanger can be organiz both for the main rooms – the steam room and washroom, and for auxiliary rooms – the dressing room, rest room, billiard room, shower, swimming pool.
At the design stage of heating equipment with a heat exchanger, the following data are taken into account:
- dimensions of the building and area of the premises;
- design features of the furnace;
- weight of heating equipment;
- number of heat exchangers;
- volume of coolant;
- length and diameter of the flue pipe.
The following options are possible for connecting heating equipment using pipes:
- to the expansion tank for hot water supply in the washing compartment;
- to heating radiators install in functional rooms;
- to hot water supply and water heating system in the main rooms of the bathhouse and residential building.
Heating stoves are equipp with internal and external heat exchangers. The internal element is locat in the firebox, the external one is around the flue pipe.
Electric heating system
Electric heating is the simplest and most accessible option for organizing an autonomous heating system for a bathhouse. When organizing it, it is worth considering the electrical wiring diagram, the overall load on the network and the cross-section of the wires for high-quality installation work.
The electric heating system involves the use of the following types of equipment:
- electric boiler;
- electric heater;
- electric convectors;
- infrar film;
- electric heating cables.
Modern low-power electric boilers are equipp with automatic control capable of maintaining a given temperature regime in bathhouses. Induction, electrode and step boilers with heating elements can be us to heat a bathhouse.
An electric heater for a bathhouse can be us as a primary and additional source of heating. If possible, it is most convenient to use electric convectors. As in the case of boilers, convectors are equipp with thermostats to maintain the optimum temperature in automatic mode.
The electric system can be us all year round, and there is no ne to prepare and store fuel material. A significant disadvantage is the high electricity consumption.