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How to differentiate yourself in the blogosphere so you

These past few months I have been revisiting topics that I touched on in the blog years ago. When almost 4 years have passed, as is the case with this post , things may change or one may no longer see things in the same way. differentiate blogPhoto rights by Fotolia In this case, the main reason was something else. A reader left me a comment expressing more than his discomfort, I would say that, due to the tone, it was more of a constructive criticism: “you are all the same.

Contents  hide 1 What almost all

bloggers do 2 My personal strategy to differentiate myself as a blogger 2.1 Be totally predictable 2.2 Send an email to subscribers when it’s worth it 2.3 Publishing articles that will never rank on Google 2.4 Touching on topics before others denmark whatsapp number data What almost all bloggers do What do you mean by this? Trying to be somewhat objective, I must agree with him in part. His main points are that there is no originality when it comes to differentiating himself from the competition.


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He particularly highlighted

two points that he had seen in one of my posts. Using aggressive pop-ups to attract users (I’ll talk about this later). Internal links that take you to the home page for SEO reasons ( here you can find the reason). The list is a bit short because I could have actually added more things that practically all bloggers do: Creating an e-book as an incentive most importantly, strategic planning for subscribers. Write posts as an external author to strengthen link building . Participate in blogger events for networking . We could probably go on with the list but since this post is about setting ourselves apart, let’s talk a little about what I do.

My personal strategy to differentiate

myself as a blogger This is not the first time I have written about these topics. At least some of the things should be familiar to older readers, although they will also find something new. Be totally predictable It may seem strange, but in my cas buying house b it has helped me a lot to stand out from the rest. One thing I do is that all my posts go out at 00:01 . You’ve probably noticed that already. There are even readers who come in at this time to read a new post. The other thing is that I have been posting every day for the last 4 years.

Now I dedicate the weekend

to Zenguerrilla with topics beyond marketing. There are many bloggers who are capable of generating better content but very few who are capable of publishing with this frequency for such a long time. These are two factors that make me predictable but at the same time they have become part of my identity as a blogger that differentiates me from everyone else. Send an email to subscribers when it’s worth it If you have subscribed to this blog by email, you will have noticed that despite publishing every day, you receive an average of one email every 3-4 weeks. I don’t send you every post so as not to overload your inbox.

I send you something when

I consider it really worthwhile. I also use subscription forms. Mine is called Slide-In because it comes in on the right side offering to download an e-book . On small devices, it unfortunately takes up a large part of the screen. I don’t use pop-ups , which are more effective, because they are still much more aggressive. Not having any kind of form that stands out in some way would be a bit of an idiot. My goal is to make it as unobtrusive as possible, although this may not always be achieved.


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