How to deal Remember that during this period the demand grows and many sellers will also place goods in the most popular warehouses. If you delay the deadlines, the warehouse will not be able to accept your goods or will accept them at a higher rate.
For detailed instructions on how a new seller can make their first delivery to Wildberries, read here .
Prepare product cards. The card design will help you compete with other sellers who offer the same product at a discount.
What can be done:
How to deal Work with pictures. Make the design thematic. For example, products offered for February 23 can be designed in khaki shades. Gifts for March 8 – in soft pink, red, purple and white shades. Such cards will stand out in search and evoke strong associations with the upcoming holiday in the target audience.
Here we wrote in detail about infographics for WB product dentist data cards, and here – about how to design photos.
Add keywords to the cards. The audience often searches for gifts for gender holidays. Using queries such as “gift for a man on February 23”, “gift for a wife on March 8”, “gift set for a friend”, etc. Add keywords to the titles and description of the product so that users can quickly find it in the search.
The PromoPult tool “ Position Monitoring. Will quickly and iphone heats up while charging: causes of the problem and how to fix it freely select keywords . A guide to working with it is here , and detailed instructions on SEO for a product card on Wildberries are in this article .
Launch discounts and promotions in advance. To warm up the audience, it is better to launch discounts and promotions on products 2-3 weeks in advance. Marketplaces independently promote mobile lead promotional products. As a result, you can get a greater reach of the target audience for free and sell out the remaining stock faster.
Focus on gift sets. This will increase the average bill and allow you to sell more products during the short pre-holiday rush.