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How to Create a Website

Lazy loading preloader: Shows additional content that loads as the user scrolls the page. Minimalist preloader: an animation or icon that provides loading feedback without drawing too much attention. How to Create a Website Preloader Preloader Previously, website preloaders had to be created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript codes. However, in line with the development of the era, the way to create preloaders is now made easier with plugins and third-party applications. Preloader HTML, CSS, dan jQuery Here are the steps to create a website preloader using HTML, CSS, and jQuery: Step 1: Create the HTML structure: Add a <div> element with a class like preloader to your HTML document.

This will be the container for your preloader.

Step 2: Apply style to the preloader: Use CSS to style the preloader. You can customize the position, size, background color, and singapore telegram data other properties to fit your website design. Here is an example of a preloader with CSS code: .preloader { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: #fff; z-index: 9999; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .loader { width: 40px; height: 40px; border: 10px solid #f3f3f3; border-top: 10px solid #3498db; border-radius: 50%; animation: spin 2s linear infinite; } Step 3: Add loading animation: Use CSS or JavaScript animations to create a loading animation in the preloader div.

You can choose a simple

Spinning circle, a bouncing ball, or a more complex animation. Step 4: Hide the preloader: Use jQuery to hide the preloader after the page has finished loading. This ensures that it doesn’t interfere with the user experience. $(window).on(‘load’, function() { $(‘.preloader’).fadeOut(); }); Step 5: Test and Adjust Costume Test your preloader on different devices and browsers to make sure it works properly. Customize the look and style of the preloader to match your website design and branding. Here is an example of a preloader that already has HTML, CSS and jQuery: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Preloader Example.

Preloader with Plugin

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Adding a preloader animation a figure of love and via a plugin is a quicker and easier option, especially if you’re using WordPress. There are several preloader plugins you can use, but this time we’ll try WP Smart Preloader . This preloader plugin is available for free in the WP Toolkit. To create a preloader with WP Smart Preloader, follow these steps: Step 1: Download WP Smart Preloader Download the WP Smart Preloader plugin via the WordPress Plugin Directory.

Then upload the plugin file to your

WordPress site, by going to singapore data Plugins You can then find the option under Settings > WP Smart Preloader. Step 2: Choose Your Style On the WP Smart Preloader Settings page, select a style for the preloader. In the Select Preloader section, there will be a drop down menu that provides six style options, as well as an option for a custom animation.

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