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How to best use robots.txt for SEO?

The robots.txt file is among other, no less important parts of on-page  optimization for search engines. It is a file that tells search engines which pages of your website to crawl and which  to skip .



What is robots.txt?

Robots.txt, or  Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP), is a text file plac oman whatsapp number data  in the main directory of your website’s hosting, and in it, among other things, it is written which pages of the website search engines can and cannot go to. If the search engine does not find the file (you did not create it), it is an automatic signal to it that it can index  the entire website.


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What is the purpose of the robots.txt file for SEO?
Its most us technique for SEO  is blocking certain content from search e humanize your brand through social mia gines. In practice, we most often encounter the fact that the robots.txt file is set incorrectly. Several times we had to deal with a situation where the client’s new website was not getting any visitors from search engines even after months of promotion. It often happens that when creating a new website, a programmer, coder or graphic designer sets a robots.txt file and prohibits search engines uk data  from accessing the page due to website creation and testing. The website owner can then try as hard as they want, but unfortunately they will not convince the search engines with their keywords. The only possible remy is to it the file.

Where can you find the file?

You can find the file at

If you are wondering whether robots.txt can also be us on subdomains, you don’t have to. It is of course possible, even necessary. If your website runs on the https or http protocol, know that i. ITs necessary to have a separate file for each protocol (even if it is the same file

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