A practical and affordable way to organize heating of a bathhouse in winter is to install a water system.
Water is us as a heat carrier, gas, electricity, liquid and solid fuel are us as fuel, and a stove or boiler is us as heating equipment.
Water heating provides fast and uniform mom data of bath rooms with the ability to automatically maintain a set temperature.
There are the following options for arranging water heating:
- Radiator heating. Involves laying pipes along the how to get sales during gender-specific holidays to which water radiators or convectors of the appropriate size and power are connect. The hot coolant from the boiler moves inside the system, providing heating for the premises.
- Floor heating. Its operating principle is similar to that of the previous version. The only difference is that the pipes are install in a concrete base after preliminary insulation and waterproofing. Such a design is of a non-separable type, therefore it requires compliance with the installation technology.
Heating system with warm floors
Modern floor heating systems are represent by electric and water heat floors. Water floors are an economical and affordable way to heat rooms, requiring high-quality installation, since it is quite difficult to repair such a system.
To heat a rest room, a dressing room or a washroom, it is enough to install heat floors. All the work can be done by yourself. To do this, you ne to select pipes of the appropriate diameter, calculate the working resistance of the heating circuit and the requir pump power, taking into account the area singapore lead the room.
Underfloor heating can be combin with radiator, electric and air heating.
Heating system from the heating main
A private bathhouse can be directly connect to the central heating main. To organize such a bathhouse heating option, an additional circuit will ne to be install.
The connection of the circuit to the heating main is carri out in accordance with the design documentation and permits obtain from the relevant authorities.
Choosing this option is associat with some difficulties:
- the possibility of groundwater accumulation in places where pipes are laid;
- the ne for additional insulation of the heating main;
- the ne to involve professional installers.
Alternative and mix heating options
Alternative options for heating a bathhouse are becoming popular. These include the following types of equipment:
- heaters – ceramic and infrar;
- boilers – pyrolysis, pellet, diesel, long burning;
- baseboard and ceiling heaters.
In cases where the bathhouse is us rarely, a good option is to install a mix heating system: a wood-burning stove combin with electric heating; a pellet boiler with electric convectors. One type of equipment provides heating of the premises for bath procures, the other – hot water supply and additional heating.
Combin heating system for a bathhouse and a house
If the residential building is connect to the central heating system, it is recommend to install auxiliary equipment for heating the bathhouse.
Thus, a heating main from a house to a bathhouse is a practical and economical way of heating residential and functional premises.
In this case, the connection of the bathhouse to the heating system from the house is carri out through insulat pipes laid underground. In the bathhouse, they are connect to heating radiators or convectors install in all functional rooms. A bathhouse stove is us to heat the steam room and washing area.
Using electricity to heat a bathhouse
If you visit the steam room often and throughout the year, heating with a traditional stove will most likely not be enough. The solution is to resort to modern methods of heating the bath, for example, using electricity. At the moment, this is the simplest, most practical and environmentally friendly solution.
Methods of heating a bathhouse with electricity:
- A boiler, the equipment of modern models of which is equipp with all kinds of filters and sensors makes its operation extremely convenient. The disadvantage is the rather high cost of the equipment, which is largely compensat by the long-term nature of the investment.
Attention! Installation of the boiler requires obtaining permission from the relevant government authorities.
- A convector is an excellent solution for self-installation. The presence of an “anti-freeze” mode guarantees constant maintenance of an optimal temperature in the premises. The use of convectors allows you to completely get rid of dampness in the bathhouse and its freezing, but their improper use can lead to a fire.
- Warm floors of various modifications can be install by yourself. The disadvantage is high maintenance and operation costs.
- An electric heater is not only a heating device, but also an indispensable interior attribute. The equipment is easy to install and use.