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Frontend programming is no longer popular

Com for “Frontend Developer”, and over 100 job opportunities on similar recruitment websites like topCV and Jobsgo. This proves that Frontend programming is still alive and well. But why do people say/. The reason could be because the skills required to compete as a frontend developer have also changed. For example, it used to be almost mandatory to be familiar with at least one frontend framework like React, Vue, and Angular.

But now people don’t just want

static websites anymore. They want interactive applications. This means that websites with maps, chatbots, user dashboards, and real-time updates are really engaging. And these interactions belong to the domain of the backend. That’s why Frontend developers today often learn Backend as well to increase their competitive edge. Regarding the salary of a frontend developer, the answer will vary depending on the position, size of the business, and seniority of the developer.

In Vietnam, the minimum salary

for a Frontend Developer at the Fresher level is 12 million/month. Required skills of Frontend 1. Hard skills As a frontend developer, you will need to learn certain technical skills, including: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. – HTML is a type of content structure language. In other words, it labels different elements like images and text to tell your browser how to display the content in what order. – CSS is a language that goes with HTML.

If HTML defines the structure of a website

CSS defines the style of the website’s content, such as layout, color, font, etc. Suppose you want the title text to be bold and red, you just need to declare it with CSS and it will give you a bold red title! – JavaScript is a programming office 365 database language used to perform many useful operations on user interfaces such as: validating forms, storing temporary data, alerting users, and performing calculations. In addition to the above 3 factors, you also need basic knowledge of JavaScript libraries like jQuery; CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS; frameworks like ReactJS, Redux, Bootstrap, Django, Angular,.

ReactJS is the framework that is currently

special data

used to quickly and efficiently develop user interfaces. Redux is another JavaScript framework that is often used with React or Angular, allowing developers to create predictable and easily testable applications. There are even many entertainment european fashion JavaScript frameworks that eliminate redundant coding tasks. » Reference experience: ReactJS interview These essential elements together create everything visually presented that you see when you visit a website. » See job description: Mobile Programming 2.

Soft skills In addition to hard skills

Frontend developers also need to hone soft skills as part of their daily job requirements. These include: – Creativity: As a frontend developer, you will need to have a good sense of aesthetics, because your job is to australia data design user interfaces that meet the standards of readability – understanding – attractiveness. And without creativity and good imagination.