Home » Blog » Bottega braid is this year’s “it” pattern on shoes and handbags

Bottega braid is this year’s “it” pattern on shoes and handbags

For a long time, shoes are no longer just that fashion accessory, for which the only thing important is that they are comfortable and that they.

Emphasize our clothes. In fact, it has been quite the opposite for some time. They are the highlight of our style and it is not at all unusual to adapt.

Our wardrobe choices to that nice pair of hot new sandals or sneakers that we bought recently.

The fact is that fashion trends

have long been no longer focused only on clothes, but increasingly focus on footwear and handbags as well. Many of the popular footwear brands.

That are also found in the Mass online store are the ones that dictate what germany phone number data kind of clothes we will wear with the shoes.

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However, they are not only focused on a specific shape or color. Patterns and other details are also important. The Bottega braid is one of those patterns that we will often see this spring and summer in the new footwear collections on mass.si.

Less is more

If you look at fashion magazines online or search for the latest trends.

It is already clear to you that the bottega braid is the “it” trend of this season.

Which has already flooded the Instagram profiles of influencers and all the trending locations of the capitals. It is indispensable for sophisticated styling. Also because with shoes and a bag with bottega braid, you can achieve a luxurious look in your ‘outfit’ in no time. This geometric pattern.

Characterized by a special way of knitting, is really something special and sms increase black friday sales with a campaign literally  rules the entire ‘styling’. Therefore, our advice for combinations with shoes and handbags in the bottega pattern would be not to overdo it with combinations with other patterns and structures. When ‘styling’ these shoes, stick to the principle that sometimes less is more. But don’t worry that you would be limited in your choice of clothes because of this. The braid withstands the colors, so you can still have fun brazil data with styling. The shoes and bag in this pattern can be worn with both strong and pastel colors.

And it is absolutely perfect for monochromatic ‘stylings’.

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