Home » Blog » Blogs are no longer read they are criticized

Blogs are no longer read they are criticized

The post you just linked to was written almost two years ago. I highlighted something that many already knew. The average user does not read an entire post but rather does a quick visual scan. Therefore a blog post is no longer written but is designed to ensure that the key information is conveyed. infoxificationPhoto rights by Fotolia Even though some users are surprised by this behavior, things are going from bad to worse.


Sharing without reading is still something

we could consider normal as long as the source is reliable and has created quality content in the past. Besides, I cannot report something that I occasionally practice myself. It may be the growing infoxification that makes us anxious i hope they can be helpful keep up with everything. We have started to discuss blog content on Twitter and Facebook without having read it . It seems to be true. Reading is the new fitness . According to studies, it even seems to be unnatural.


I have been posting on this blog for 5 years

and many times I have been put down just by reading the title of the article. It is always a one-off thing, so it is not something that has surprised me. What does worry me a little is that this week it has been repeated on several occasion
hope they can be helpfulThe best example was the joke that was played by launching a fake news story about a coalition of different political parties. In a short time, a dozen commen accumulated, criticizing everyone.


With just one click on the linkthey would

have realized that the news was false. 90% of people apparently did not waste much time in finding more details to argue based on the information provided. Fake news that caused controversy on social networks Fake news that caused controversy france whatsapp number data on social networks for expressing an opinion before clicking on the link Just because it’s easy to express an opinion on Facebook and Twitter doesn’t mean we have to do it all the time .


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Isn’t it better to be informed before

commenting and/or criticizing someone for not sharing our point of view? There really is an art to expressing an opinion without looking lik buying house b idiot . Many times you get the feeling that it’s not about that. Social media is an outlet for all the frustration that has built up because we’ve had a fight with our partner, my boss makes me work overtime, the client doesn’t pay on time or because it’s simply the most

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