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Instructions on how to Create and Issue electronic invoices according to Circular 78

Creating and issuing electronic invoices is an important step that accountants need to understand when starting to use electronic invoice software.

In this article, MISA guides businesses and individuals on how to create and issue electronic invoices quickly and easily on MISA meInvoice software – the most trusted and reputable electronic invoice software today.

Misa meinvoice electronic invoice business process diagram

Electronic invoice business process diagram (Integrated right in the MISA meInvoice electronic invoice software interface for customers to easily follow)

Table of Contents Hide
1. Instructions on how to create an electronic invoice
1.1 Invoice by importing data from Excel file
1.2 Create electronic invoices laos telegram data  directly on the software
2. Instructions for issuing electronic invoices
2.1 Issue each electronic invoice
2.2. Batch export of electronic invoices
2.3 Watch the video tutorial on how to issue electronic invoices
3. Instructions for creating and issuing electronic invoices to apply VAT reduction according to

telegram database users list

1. Instructions on how to create an electronic invoice

Below are detailed instructions on how  triggers can result feelings of desperation to create electronic invoices on MISA meInvoice software  brazil data according to 2 operations: Importing invoice data from Excel and Creating invoices on the software .

1.1 Invoice by importing data from Excel file
Step 1: In the Invoice section , select the type of invoice you want to create ( Sales invoice/Invoice from cash register/Warehouse delivery note ) > Select Import .Step 2: Select the invoice template you want to import from the list of templates available on the software.Step 3: Upload excel data file to the software

To import invoice data, you can use an available excel file or click Download sample data file to

download the sample file provided by the software

then copy the data from the available excel file to the software’s sample file.
Note: The Serial Number column in the import file is for the program to distinguish invoices from each other. In case an invoice has many goods, it is necessary to enter the same serial number for each line of goods in that invoice.Next, you can drag and drop the excel file you want to import into the software or click Select source file and select the excel file you want to import.

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