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Long tail – the basis for a quality content strategy

In today’s article, we will again focus on long tail keywords , but this time in the light of content strategy . The goal of long tail phrases is to bring the highest quality traffic to your website. A content strategy that does not take selected long tails into account loses many opportunities to better and more prominently assert itself in search engines. If you want to cover topics that people are really searching for, you should focus on the right keywords and include them wisely in your content plan.


Find suitable long tails

In the first stage, it is necessary that you find suitable and lucrative phrases that people in your industry are searching for. I described how to do it in previous articles. First, it is good to use your own head, i.e. brainstorming . After you manage to brainstorm topics or even specific keywords, the next activity will be facilitated by programs for creating mind maps . If your website has been running for some time and you use Google Analytics for traffic monitoring , try to discover new, interesting long tails using internal search . All the methods and articles mentioned aim to streamline the processes before and during the creation of new long tails. Thanks to their use, you can discover really interesting delicacies in the form of non-competitive keywords.

If you haven’t heard much about long tails yet, I recommend you r taiwan whatsapp number data ead our articles that are suitable for beginners . We tried to briefly and clearly highlight the advantages of long tails. After reading them, you should be able to judge whether or not they are worth your interest. In 90% of cases it will pay off.

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Choose a uniform theme for a certain period of time
This phase is very important and it would be a mistake to s humanize your brand through social media kip it. You probably learned how to find long tails from the previous section . We’ve introduced you to techniques that should make your job easier. So now you have your keywords, but what about them? First, it will be necessary to sort the obtained keywords . Sorting by t uk data opic is most convenient. It also depends on how many keywords you have found.

If you have few specific long tails for a certain topic, it will be necessary to process the topic in detail , perhaps even in several articles. If you have found a large number of different variants of long tails, it is not a problem to deal with one topic in one article, or in its parts (divided by headings). It always depends on the context. Therefore, do not try to artificially lengthen or shorten the articles. Rather, try to cover the topic in detail so that your readers can benefit from the article.

Invent specific articles according to the long tails found

In the next step, you should come up with specific titles and headlines for the articles . As I already wrote in a separate article about headlines, it is very important that the headlines of the articles contain appropriately chosen keywords and are attractive. You can come up with article titles and plan them several months or at least weeks in adva

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