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6 years with Marketingguerrilla

We are getting older. My blog and I, I mean. I have been going through 6 years of this blog and it seems that it will continue for a few more. For 3 of these 6 years I have been publishing a post every day. For a couple of months now I have started publishing my weekend posts that have a more reflective and philosophical character on Zenguerrilla.es . sixth anniversaryPhoto rights by Fotolia The fact of changing the routine, even if it is only the change of blog, has meant that despite having been publishing for so long, there were hardly any days where it was boring. I still enjoy it even more than at the beginning


especially because I have learned

not to take myself so seriously when someone puts you down (which is inevitable when you have a blog)…C ontents [ hide ] 1 My main successes of the last 6 years 1.1 Don’t go crazy with SEO 1.2 Don’t go all out when it comes to attracting subscribers 1.3 Monetize the blog indirectly with your own products 2 A small raffle to keep the habit 2.1 Sixth Anniversary Raffle Prizes 2.2 The one who gets closest to this figure wins My top successes of the last 6 years Last year, in my fifth birthday post, I talked about my main mistakes.


For a chang I’ll give you a quick reflection

on the main successes of these last few years. Don’t go crazy with SEO Mind you! I don’t mean to say that SEO isn’t important. In “my time” (this sounds like my grandfather speaking) it was enough to create a lot of content because there was less greece whatsapp number data competition. I always say that I’m a “geek-blogger” and that I do what I want. That’s not entirely true, because if you look closely, my posts usually have H2/H3 tags, a table of contents, internal links, bold, and no entry date. All of this helps to position the post. In the end, I let myself be guided a bit by common sense and what I consider to be a long-term optimization.


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After a big drop in organic traffi

c in 2014, I’m back and even breaking old records in terms of Google visits in the last few months. Not going crazy following short-term SEO strategies has worked for me. This doesn’t mean that it has to be that way for you and your business. Keep buying house b in mind that this blog is a tool for me and not the main source of income. If it were, my SEO strategy might have been different. Don’t go all out when it comes to attracting subscribers How things change. Last year I put this point as one of my main mistakes.

Today I don’t think the same way

I have worked a lot on the subject of conversion in the last year and I have realized something that is ultimately common sense. The faster you capture a lead, the more it will cost you to sell them something . This has to do with the fact that it may even require a cultural shift, selling requires trust. Just because someone signs up to your list quickly doesn’t mean they’re going to buy something from you. Especially in my early days, I encouraged conversation more than conversion . Everyone says that the money is in the list (and it’s true). In my case.

I sold more than 400 courses

in a world where I didn’t have one. Talking about it on the blog was enough to get students. Monetize the blog indirectly with your own products This blog has never had Google Adsense ads and it is unlikely that it will ever have them. I have rejected proposals for sponsored posts because I did not see a place for this blog. I have hardly had advertisers because squeezing traffic in this way has not seemed attractive to me. On the one hand it has been a way of “protecting” the reader but to be honest it has also been something totally selfish. Not filling the blog with advertising leaves me more room to promote my own projects.

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